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Setting up LTI 1.3 tools in Canvas

To recap, and help translate Canvas terms into Docuseek terms:
  1. Create the Developer keys. Login as an admin, click on Admin, select Developer Keys.
  2. Click + Developer Key, and click + LTI Key on the dropdown.
  3. Configure the tool on the next screen. Obtain these values from your My Docuseek: LTI Etc page, lower right, Docuseek LTI Advantage values section
    • Canvas Title = e.g. Docuseek
    • Canvas Description = e.g. Docuseek video streaming
    • Canvas Redirect URIs = Docuseek LTI 1.3 Redirection / Deep Link URL
    • Canvas Target Link URI = Docuseek LTI 1.3 Redirection / Deep Link URL
    • Canvas OpenID Connect Initiation Url = Docuseek LTI 1.3 Initiate Login URL
    • Canvas JWK Method = Public JWK URL
    • Canvas JWK URL = Docuseek LTI 1.3 Docuseek JWKS URL
    • Canvas Additional Settings: Custom Fields: add the key=value pair of ds2aid={Customer id}. Your customer ID may be found in the LTI 1.0 Custom LTI parameter field (also in the COUNTER customer ID field)
    • Select the "placements". Docuseek supports the Deep Linking placements (Link Selection and Editor Button), which allows for selecting a single resource. The Icon URL is: https://misc.docuseek2.com/images/docuseek_logo_icon.jpg. For the Link Selection placement, make sure "Select Message Type" is LtiDeepLinkingRequest. If you would like your users to be able to navigate the Docuseek site from with Canvas, add the Course Navigation placement. In all cases, the Target Redirect URI for the placements should be the same as the Docuseek LTI 1.3 Redirection / Deep Link URL.
    • Note that we only support the LTI Advantage Deep Linking service, so ignore the LTI Advantage Services section.
  4. Save the configuration.
  5. On the Developer Keys page, change the State of the new Developer Key to "On".
  6. Note the Client ID for the new key, which appears in the Details column.
  7. Once the Developer Key is created, Docuseek must be set up as an available app. Follow the instructions here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases-Board/Canvas-Release-LTI-1-3-and-LTI-Advantage-2019-06-22/m-p/246652
  8. Once the app is added, located the app's deployment ID. Click on the gear dropdown next to the app you just added, and select Deployment ID. Copy the deployment ID; you will add this to your Docuseek in the next set of instructions.
Once the Developer Key and app are created, several values must be added to your Docuseek account:
  1. Log in as an administrator for your Docuseek account. If you need help with accessing the admin side of your Docuseek account, contact support@docuseek2.com.
  2. Click on My Docuseek at the top left of the screen, and then click on the LTI etc tab.
  3. On the LTI etc tab, fill in these fields:
    • LTI 1.3 Platform ID: https://canvas.instructure.com
    • LTI 1.3 Client ID: Copy the long number in the Details column of the Canvas Developer Keys page for the Developer Key created above.
    • LTI 1.3 Deployment ID: The Deployment ID created in step 8 above.
    • LTI 1.3 Public keyset URL: {URL of your Canvas}/api/lti/security/jwks; e.g. https://docuseek.instructure.com/api/lti/security/jwks
    • LTI 1.3 Access token URL: {URL of your Canvas}/login/oauth2/token, e.g. https://docuseek.instructure.com/login/oauth2/token
    • LTI 1.3 Authentication request URL: {URL of your Canvas}/api/lti/authorize_redirect, e.g. https://docuseek.instructure.com/api/lti/authorize_redirect
  4. And click the Save LTI changes button.
Updated 6/7/23

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