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Integrating Docuseek2 into Canvas

Note: If you use Single Sign-on (SSO) for authentication, embedding content using iFrames will not work in Canvas. Docuseek uses OpenAthens for SSO, and for security reasons, OpenAthens does not support SSO within iFrames. You can either add a link to the Docuseek resource on the course page, or use LTI for embedding resources (see below).

For information on integrating Docuseek into Canvas using LTI 1.3 / LTI Advantage protocol, see Setting up LTI 1.3 tools in Canvas.

Follow the instructions below to add a Docuseek film to Canvas using the LTI protocol.
Before using Docuseek with Canvas, you must first add Docuseek as a Canvas app.

There are four ways that Canvas can work with Docuseek:
  1. Docuseek can appear on the course navigation list. This is a list of course options that appears on the left side of a course page. Clicking on Docuseek2 will open the Docuseek home page within the course page.

  2. A Docuseek button appears on the assignment rich text editor tool bar which appears when editing an assignment.

    Clicking the button launches a Docuseek search dialog.


    Enter keywords or other search criteria, and click the Find Titles button.


    Click the filmstrip icon or the film title to add the film to the assignment.

    Once the film has been added, and the assignment saved, a Docuseek player will appear in the assignment.

    Here is what the player looks like inside the assignment:


    Tip: We updated our LTI 1.0 code in early September, 2020 to improve deep linking with Canvas. You will need to download an updated Canvas .xml file, delete your existing Docuseek app, and re-install Docuseek as a Canvas app.

  3. Docuseek titles may be added using the "resource selection" option, as an external resource to a module. You must first add Docuseek as a course app (see #1 above). Once the app has been created, on the course page, select Module. Add a module if necessary. Click the Add Item button, and select External Tool from the "Add" dropdown. Select the Docuseek app created above.. The same search dialog will open as with #2; but will return an external link to the Docuseek film when the user clicks the “Add now” button. Once the external link is added, clicking the item name will launch the Docuseek player with the film in it.

  4. A single resource can also be added as a Module, by clicking on Settings; clicking on App, and selecting the Manual Entry option to manually enter the required values. The URL for a resource is found on the Link To / Embed dialog on Docuseek. See the Add a single Docuseek resource to Canvas page for details. Note that this is the previously documented method for integrating Docuseek resources to Canvas via LTI. Option #3 above automates the same process of adding a Module.

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