Use these instructions to add a single Docuseek2 film to Canvas using
LTI. Note that these instructions do not take advantage of Canvas
extensions to LTI that greatly simplify using external resources in
Canvas. Return to the Integrating Docuseek2 into Canvas page for instructions on integrating Docuseek2 into Canvas using their LTI extensions.
To add a single Docuseek2 film to a Canvas course using LTI, you will need to know the Consumer key, Shared secret and Launch URL for the film.
How do I find my my Consumer key, Shared secret and Launch URL?
Steps to add a Docuseek2 film to Canvas:
1. On the Course page, click the Settings link. 
2. On the Course Settings page, click the Apps tab, and click the Add App button:

3. Fill in the details on the Add App dialog. Use the Manual Entry
configuration type. Enter the way you want the resource to appear in
the Name field. Fill in the Consumer key, Shared secret and Launch URL.
Enter in the Domain field. NOTE: Canvas prefers to use secure links (SSL or links with https:). The Launch URL may use http; in which case you can change that to https. Click the Submit button to complete adding the resource.

Keep your Consumer key and Shared Secret private!//
4. After clicking Submit, the name of the resource should now appear on the list of "external apps":

5. Next, add the resource to a module of the course. Click on the
Modules link to see your course modules. Click the "+" button to add an
item to the course module:

6. Select External Tool from the list of item types.
Click the name of the Docuseek2 resource that you added above. The
Launch URL should appear automatically in the URL field. Click Add Item
to save the item.

7. The resource should appear in the list of items used by the course module.

8. To view the film, click the resource name.

Return to the Integrating Docuseek2 into Canvas page.