Tip: We updated our LTI 1.0 code in early September, 2020 to improve deep linking with Canvas. To use the deep linking feature, you will need to download an updated Canvas .xml file, delete your existing Docuseek app, and re-install Docuseek as a Canvas app.
Follow the instructions below to add Docuseek2 as a Canvas app.
- Retrieve your consumer key, shared secret, and custom XML code for your institution from the LTI tab on the My Account page on Docuseek2. Make sure you have logged in with your Docuseek2 administrator credentials. Download the LTI XML file to a location on your computer.

- In Canvas, add Docuseek2 as an "App". In the example below, Docuseek2 is added as an App for a demo university. You need to have administration rights in Canvas to complete this step.

On the Courses page, click the Settings link.

On the Course Settings page, click the Apps tab, and then click the Add App button.

In the Add App dialog, select the Paste XML Configuration Type. Open the LTI XML file with a text editor like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac OS X. Select all of the LTI XML text, and paste it into the XML Configuration field. Fill in the name of the app (e.g., "Docuseek2"), and copy and paste your Docuseek2 Consumer Key and Shared Secret into the appropriate fields. Click Submit to add the app.

Confirm that the app has been added. You should see the Docuseek2 app now in the list of Canvas apps.

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