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Privacy Statement

Docuseek privacy
We take privacy very seriously. While we do log information on visits, queries and other site activity, this information is for evaluating the effectiveness and usefulness Docuseek only. All specific visit information is treated confidentially and anonymously, and is never shared with any other party, including the participating distributors. Aggregated data is shared with distributors. We do use cookies to record login state and other state information. The cookies serve no other purpose than this. If you have any questions concerning your privacy and your activity on Docuseek, please contact us.

Institution admins and users
Docuseek supports two kinds of registered users. Administrators can see who else at their university has registered with Docuseek. Administrators also have the ability to control the access of users from the institution to certain features on Docuseek related to licensing and viewing content. See the User Administration page for details on what rights institution administrators can grant or revoke. Administrators cannot see what a registered user has previewed, viewed, or what searches that user has done. Administrators can access aggregated usage data by title by day, which includes impressions (player loads), views (playback initiated), time viewed, and engagement rate (see the Usage Report page for more information). Administrators may receive copies of emails when content is licensed by a registered user, or when a registered user asks that a title be available made for streaming. These features exist to assist institutional media librarians in managing the institution's collections and helping their colleagues find and use media.

What information Docuseek collects
When users register, they supply us with their email address, first and last name, and optionally address and telephone number. The user also indicates if the user wants to receive emails from Docuseek about new content. This information is only used for announcements about Docuseek content. Docuseek never shares user information with third parties.

Docuseek logs certain events for diagnostic and trouble-shooting purposes, including registration, login success or failure, and initiating the playback of films. This information is never shared with third parties, nor is it used internally for any other purpose than trouble-shooting. While we log the user ID when films are played, this ID is obfuscated in our database. Logs are purged every six months.

Shopping privacy and security
We have partnered with Stripe, a leading payment processor, to accept credit card payments safely and securely. Stripe is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, the most stringent level of certification available. Docuseek does not record or store credit card information.

Data storage
No Docuseek data is stored outside of the U.S.

Online privacy resources:
Electronics Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Privacy Rights Resources

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